Unboxing The Lost & Found!

The Lost & Found comes out a week from today and the finished copies have arrived!! I made a little unboxing video to celebrate, and I’ll be sharing lots of fun photos and quotes and goodies up until it’s released on July 5. I’ll also be writing up a longer piece talking more about my […]

and then there were four!

I’ve been sitting on this news for a while so it feels so NICE to be able to send it out into the universe: I’ve signed another 2-book deal with HarperTeen! My second book, The Lost & Found, comes out on July 5, and it will be followed by books 3 and 4 in 2017 […]

cover reveal/ the lost & found.

HERE IT IS! The cover for my second book, The Lost & Found. This one, guys. THIS ONE. My body is practically bursting with impatience to share this book and this story with the world. I basically tore open my chest and let my guts pour onto the page with this book (a gross visual, […]

spain in black and white.

I find the rolls of film in a desk drawer. I’ve been moving around a lot- New York to Connecticut to Scotland to Los Angeles- and things are resurfacing. Lost things are being found. Two rolls of black and white film. I think they’re both from Edinburgh and so I’m not in a rush to […]

the cover.

What a long strange journey: writing a book. In the past two years I’ve moved out of New York City, back to Connecticut, over to Scotland, back and forth to Los Angeles, stayed in Napa Valley and San Francisco and driven through Maryland and landed for a week in Jamaica, toured London in a whirlwind […]